Saturday, September 02, 2006

    Who works on Saturday? The mythological creatures lives in mystery land of working on Saturday exist in the parallel universe of Saturday workers? Of course, they do. Oh, yeah, and one more person named John. No, no, not just any John, it has to be *this* John.
John Wang (a.k.a. Cheng-Lun Wang)
Height: 170 cm
Weight: Increasing
D.O.B: April, 26, 2006
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Black
Ethnicity: Asian/Chinese
Sexual Orientation: not gay~
Who is currently studying in Mount San Antonio College preparing to transfer to UCLA as a computer science major. And who, at the moment, is feeling blue.

    One thing that sucks the most is that I have to cross a desert to get my food since nothing on campus opens on Saturday, oh, except our lab. We open on Saturday for no apparent reason. At any given time, there will be 2 students come to the lab, and they're always the same people. The same people who'll never need my assistance. I go to the lab 10:00 in the late morning and begin to sit there like a dead person. I remain near death till 4:00 p.m. and revive. I'm dead from 10 to 4... oh, even better, I'm getting paid for being dead from 10 to 4... Well, If putted this way, it sounds like a pretty damn good deal, but SATURDAY!!!

    The gym opens on Friday till only 6 p.m.. My evil plan of working out on Friday after work is ruined. Yeah, this has nothing to do with what's written in the previous paragraphs. By the way, who works on Friday? The mythological creatures live in the land of working on Friday? Anyways, I wouldn't have energy to work out at that time anyway. Not after I worked to 10:30 p.m. the day before. By the way, who works in late night on Thursday? The mythological creatures live in the land of working in late night on Thursday?



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