Friday, October 19, 2007




Wednesday, September 06, 2006

    Wow, the title actually means something. That's amazing.
    I wrote down the title first so I don't forget, later on, what I was thinking about, and what I was thinking about were auto flush and the ecosystem in a room... What the hell is that?

    Building 60 is a new building at Mount San Antonio College. It's mainly for science classes. The first floor is pretty much for physics and engineering, the third floor is for chemistry, and everything else goes to the second floor. You'll think it's cool to take classes in a new building. You're right, it's cool in a degree, but the first thing I felt when I walk into the building is the feeling of getting lost in a hospital-like maze. There are way too much entrances for building 60. There are maybe 15 entrances, and everywhere looks the same in the building. I think this building was built by some evil biology professors as an experiment on humans. Just like the experiments that are usually done with mice, they want to see if we, the students, and some professors, can smell our way to the designated classroom. Every time I enter the building things are a little different, yet curiously familiar. For example, yesterday, I remembered there was a restroom, today it became an elevator. So I took the elevator up to the 3rd floor, and as the elevator door opened up, a toilet was revealed. I walked in, and began my dump taking process. I was peacefully taking my dump. All the sudden, I heard *ding!*. The elevator door opened up in front of me, a girl was standing there, surprised, screamed, slapped me in the face, and ran back to the elevator.

    That never happened, I wrote that because it's funny.

    I did, though, took a dump in that building (too much information?), and it was a pleasant experience. There's nothing feel like taking a dump in a brand new public restroom. Firstly, NOTHING was written/carved on the wall! You'll never need to bring magazines to a public restroom because there are always enough things to read on the wall, on the floor, on the toilet seat, and sometimes on the ceiling, but not this one. I got pissed because there were nothing for me to read, so I drew the first blood. I carved my big ass name on the door. No I didn't, I lied. Secondly, The a/c in that restroom is ridiculously cold, which is a good thing, since dump taking is a physical-demanding activity.

    The urinals are equipped with auto-flush/manual-flush dual action. Oh, and the drinking fountain, which amazingly was not located near the restroom, has motion sensor, too. Which is kind of neat.

    What does the word "auto-flush" means to a girl? I can never ask something like that directly, because girls seem always in the mood of slapping me in the face. Just in case there are actually people reading this and don't know that the hell auto-flush is, I'm going to lecture for a second. Long before motion sensor for faucet was introduced to the world, we already had motion sensor attached to our urinal. That means, after we pee, the toilets flush by themselves. Shocking, isn't it?

    So, the idea behind all these auto-flush, auto water, auto soap, and, in some airports and restaurants, auto paper towel dispenser is a hand-free restroom environment. You don't have to touch anything except your body, the water, the soap, and the paper towel in a restroom equipped with all the automated equipments. Pretty soon, you won't need to touch anything at all. You can just stand in front of the toilet, wave your hand in front of a sensor. There are going to be arms sticking out from the wall. They will lower your pants for your, grab whatever is needed in place, and you can just go ahead and pee, no hand! The next generation of hand free toilet will even have a sucker which will gently suck your urine out for you. You just magically wave your hand across the sensor and let the machine do all the work for you. Then, they'll begin to integrate the hand free restroom with classroom. Now, you don't even have to leave the seat. You just wave your hand, the seat will lift you up, drag you to the restroom to the toilet, lower your pants, suck things out of you, put your pants back on, and drag you back to the classroom. No hand!

    There will be screw ups... Hmm... and abuses... Hmm...

    Bedroom ecosystem? what bedroom ecosystem?

Saturday, September 02, 2006

    Last entry was... 3 days ago. I am a fucking slacker. I deserve it, but can you blame me? First, there's no consequence for not entering. The school has started, and I'm tired every fucking day when school's over, therefore I don't have the energy to write journal every day. Secondly, I don't have the time either. In average, I got home at around 8:00 p.m.. I need to eat, take a shower, study (?), and procrastinate. After all these (especially after procrastination), I'm tired and need to sleep. Thursday is the worse, when I have to work till 10:30 p.m.. For the days when I do come home relatively earlier, I have to watch the Simpsons, so I still don't have time.

    Well, excuses after excuses, I have, but at least I'm find excuses. That means I actually (somehow) care about this, other wise I wouldn't bother finding one.
    is it obvious that it took more than 2 days to finish this entry...? Shame on me. today's date: 9/2/2006.... THE END!!!
    Who works on Saturday? The mythological creatures lives in mystery land of working on Saturday exist in the parallel universe of Saturday workers? Of course, they do. Oh, yeah, and one more person named John. No, no, not just any John, it has to be *this* John.
John Wang (a.k.a. Cheng-Lun Wang)
Height: 170 cm
Weight: Increasing
D.O.B: April, 26, 2006
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Black
Ethnicity: Asian/Chinese
Sexual Orientation: not gay~
Who is currently studying in Mount San Antonio College preparing to transfer to UCLA as a computer science major. And who, at the moment, is feeling blue.

    One thing that sucks the most is that I have to cross a desert to get my food since nothing on campus opens on Saturday, oh, except our lab. We open on Saturday for no apparent reason. At any given time, there will be 2 students come to the lab, and they're always the same people. The same people who'll never need my assistance. I go to the lab 10:00 in the late morning and begin to sit there like a dead person. I remain near death till 4:00 p.m. and revive. I'm dead from 10 to 4... oh, even better, I'm getting paid for being dead from 10 to 4... Well, If putted this way, it sounds like a pretty damn good deal, but SATURDAY!!!

    The gym opens on Friday till only 6 p.m.. My evil plan of working out on Friday after work is ruined. Yeah, this has nothing to do with what's written in the previous paragraphs. By the way, who works on Friday? The mythological creatures live in the land of working on Friday? Anyways, I wouldn't have energy to work out at that time anyway. Not after I worked to 10:30 p.m. the day before. By the way, who works in late night on Thursday? The mythological creatures live in the land of working in late night on Thursday?


Monday, August 28, 2006

    It's only the second day, though feels like forever. Living accompanied with only the vest blue sky and the vest blue ocean drives me crazy. We are creatures of the land. One of the biggest challenge is the fear and insecurity that grows from inside of you when surrounding by only water. Sailing alone......

    Yeah, it's obvious now. One more reason yet that I can't keep a journal is that I don't always have something to write about. It's the second day, I'm already forcing myself to write something. The result of the forcing is this bullshit. I mean, a lonely sailer? That's just homosexual.

    I couldn't think much today. Most of the thought I had today was about the freedom I'm losing for this new roommate. She's cool and friendly and surely not ugly, I have no problem with her, but my bathroom! Gosh, it looks weird with all those bottles and smells... Where my manly bathroom goes? Where? Where are you! O! manly bathroom? It used to smell like cologne... but it is no more.

    I want to move out more than ever... God! Help me! Yeah, I know you're not going to help me on this... because I don't believe in you and so going to hell. In fact, I'm afraid of the church. I'm afraid of God. I'm afraid of believing in God. It's the fear of intimacy... Let's not start that again.

    Anyways, nothing to write about. Tomorrow is the first day of the fucking semester. First class is at 8:00 a.m., and I'm in no mood of school. Right now, I just want to destroy stuff. In addition to that, I also want to sleep, so, go to bed, I am...

    You call that a journal entry? Psh, shut up, it's mine.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

    Many, many, many times, I couldn't remember how many times, have I tried to keep a journal but never, even once, had the attempts last for more than 3 entries. One of the reason I can think of, which took me a lot of time to figure out, is the fear of intimacy. You see, a person is supposed to be widely open and sincerely truthful when the person writes in his journal. Which means keeping a diary is a process of self-disclosure. Self-disclosure is a path to intimacy. What happens is I'm afraid that one day I'll become so attached to the journal, or become too close to my diary, and for that reason, I can't keep a journal. Seriously, that's the real reason. Lazy-as-hell-ness and shot attention span has nothing to do with it. It's the fear of intimacy,man.

    I don't think anyone will be reading this except myself, but if you are reading this, you must be excessively bored (welcome to my world) , and you should believe what I say: I can't keep a journal, not because I'm lazy as hell, but simply for my fear of intimacy.

    As I write/type this, a few minutes ago, I began to really think about the reason, I mean, another reason why I cannot keep a journal. The fear of intimacy is for sure, because it sounds serious enough to be a reason, and it's easy enough to bull shit about. I need some more reasons though, for fear of intimacy is hard to fix. So another reason that I can't keep a journal, I need. I think I've never thought about the reason I even keep a journal. I just thought it would be something nice to have. But this time is different, as different as any other time that I tried to keep a journal - they were all somewhat different. A person doesn't just "decide" to keep a journal. He must be hurt in a certain way (e.g. getting dumped by one's significant other) or taken some sort of damage (e.g. getting layoff) or received some kind of impact (e.g. survived a car accident). What makes this time so different is that nothing terrible really happened. I didn't get dumped (I'm single...). I'm still employed. No car is crashed, and my house is nice and not on fire. I just think... um... it'll... be.. nice... to keep... a journal... yeah...

    Too many thoughts fly through my restless mind every fucking day. Many of the thoughts retains in my mind, but also, plenty of them are gone. The idea is to keep as much thought as possible. Who knows, someday this journal may become something that actually worth to read. I don't expect much from this journal. In fact, I don't expect anything from it. It can be as trashy as a piece of trash, or eventually become a treasure. Who knows.

    Oh, by the way, my walking-around-the-house-in-my-underwear days officially end today since the tenant moved in. I was astonished to see so many girly stuff in the restroom an hour ago when I got home. The restroom used to be mine... MINE!!! It's a precious space where a man can truly express himself... and now... it's gone... so sad.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Hmm... End of Holiday

So, this is the end of the holiday, or is it a new beginning? Hmm... no, I still think it's just the end of holiday...

Apparently, this blog has become a per-semester entry thing. I can never figure out how people can keep a diary like everyday, they must be living in some sort of wonderland.

New year resolution: a girl friend wouldn't hurt, and uh... that's pretty much it... dammit!

Thursday, October 20, 2005




狩獵區裡也不一定會出現甚麼動物...也可能有Halloween special。


不過如果林北(更正:你親愛的父親,其中「你」,「親愛的」,跟「父親」三點缺一不可。)在你面前奄奄一息的說著他的遺言,或是你摯愛的兄弟(一樣,三點缺一不可。)得了絕症,神情絕望的抓著你的衣襟,一邊掙扎一邊喊著「我不想死!」,喊到最後終於筋疲力竭的跪倒在地上,實在是很難一句「so what? Survival the fittest, 你可以去死了。」,然後一腳把他踹倒在地上,順便吐口痰。


常常聽到有人(是「有人」,不是「某人」,謝謝。)說甚麼「人類不該活在世上」啦,「違背自然」啦... 我想,他們活得這麼不該,怎麼沒有集體自殺?想著想著又回到同樣的結論:感性戰勝理性:理性說:人活得不自然,不該。感性卻說:我要活下去。最後他們也只好放棄理性,靠著原始的本能,如禽獸般的活下去。